Foreign Companies
How to Register Foreign Companies in India
Registration of Foreign Companies in India is a quick and easy process, India is a Land of Opportunities and untapped potentials with a population of more than 1.3 billion people and counting If you want to How to register a foreign company in India? and how the Company Registration process in India works? You are in the right place. Company Registration process has made simple and easy after government improved ease of doing business, you must hire a CA (Chartered Account) or CS (Company Secretary) for getting the process done It Generally takes 3 to 10 Workings days to complete the company registration process in India. If you want to invest in growing a growing potential and interested in conducting business in India, you need to you establish your company’s legal presence in India by registering your business as a private limited company (Indian subsidiary) or as a foreign company. First, decide whether it needs to be a commercial entity or not.